Choosing & Installing Hardwood Flooring in Residential Homes

Hardwood flooring is making its way into many Oakland County homes thanks to its durable nature and timeless beauty. Whether it is solid or engineered, it will transform your Oakland County house by giving it a classic feel. They are also very easy to clean, and the less glossy type conceals dust and dirt.
How to choose the right color for your home
Selecting hardwood color for your flooring can be overwhelming. You think you have it figured out but when you get to the hardware, you are bombarded by hundreds of colors beige, brown, black, dark brown, red, red-brown, white, tan, natural, yellow and gray. Black turns out to have tens of shades, and you don’t know which one to pick. Apart from personal taste, there are factors to consider when choosing a color.
Look at samples
While online shopping may be convenient, it’s different when it comes to buying hardwood flooring. The pictures shown on websites may not match the exact product in real. It is advisable to compare actual samples in natural light.
The size of the room or house will also influence the color of flooring you pick
For small rooms with dark walls, go for light wood flooring. Light colored floors make the room appear bigger and also give it the much-needed brightness. If your Oakland County home has a low ceiling, you are better off selecting light colors. High ceiling and large spaces are ideal for dark colored floors.
The existing furniture and décor should guide you on which hardwood color to use
You want a color that complements the existing furniture. If your walls are brightly colored then go for a dark shade of hardwood flooring. Matching furniture to the floors is a big no-no
Pick colors depending on the function of the room
The darker the colors, the more formal they are. Dark colored flooring also makes space appear cozier than light colors.
High traffic areas require colors that can conceal dirt and dust
Natural colors are perfect; they do not show foot marks or dents. Ideal if you have children and pets, and don’t want to be cleaning after them every few hours.
Personal taste and preference
Dark colors are considered classic while bold light colors are chic and modern. As you shop for the right colors, think of the future and find a versatile color that will still match with any new furniture that you may acquire.
How to install Hardwood flooring
Once you have selected the right color and type of hardwood flooring for your Oakland County home the next important step is installation. It should be done correctly to bring out its beauty and make it last long. Below reveals the how-to-do, but if you don’t have the capability or desire to do the job, you should hire a professional home improvement specialist.
Prepare the surface
Hardwood flooring can be installed on concrete, wood subfloors, vinyl, tile, marble, bamboo, and terrazzo. The first step is to make sure that the surface is moisture free. If installing on concrete makes sure it is really dry. Find out what percentage of moisture is allowed by the manufacturer. If it’s a replacement ensure the surface is stripped off of all existing floors. Even the surface makes sure there are no bumps. According to the manufactured guide, you may also have to conduct other tests.
Select an installation technique.
The installation method will depend on the width, construction, and thickness of the wood; solid wood will not be installed like engineered wood. Choose from glue, glueless, nail down and floating installation techniques. As a general rule of thumb, solid hardwood is usually nailed, while engineering wood is glued or floated onto the surface.
Once you have measured the spaces and select the right method, assemble all the equipment, you will need. Start at the longest side and work toward the shorter walls. It is recommended to work from left to right. The first board should be long, straight and steady to anchor the rest. The first boards are usually face nailed. Select different sizes of boards for a natural and beautiful look. Use spacers to accommodate the wood expansion that will occur in the future. You may have to cut boards to be used in the last row to ensure they fit, always cur the board length-wide. Be careful to ensure that doors can still open.
Once you have the entire floor fitted, remove the spacers. Attach shoe moldings, baseboards, and trims
How to care for it
To maintain the beauty, luster, and durability of your hardwood floor, you must take care of it. Clean the floor regularly and keep it dry. Ensure the soap you use is PH neutral. Avoid heels and other sharp objects that may dent the floor.