Paint Colors That Make a Room Look Larger

We all love a spacious building especially if it is an Oakland County residential house. However, the size of our pockets might make it hard for us to achieve our dreams of living in a large house or working in a spacious office. However, this does not mean that we can start wallowing in self-pity and stop enjoying life. This is because there is a way to make a room look larger using colors which means you do not have to knock down walls or build an extension to live your fantasy.
Paint color has been found to create different perceptions and moods. Basically, different paint colors and even hues of the same color affect moods and perceptions differently. Cooler and fainter colors have the tendency to recede; they seem to be farther away, and richer and warmer colors move closer or advance. With this knowledge in mind, we can use color to achieve different objectives such as enlarge or compress a space, hide or draw attention to various spaces among other uses. Here are the paint colors that can make a room seem more spacious and airy.
Rich Jewel Tones
Jewel-tones walls are a marvel to look at and best of all they have the effect of making a room appear spacious. Select bright and versatile colors such as emerald, amethyst or sapphire. These colors give a room a cave-like feel, blend the walls and makes sharp corners appear softer. These colors are particularly perfect for tiny rooms such as bathrooms because it makes the rooms feel isolated and private. However, care should be taken to avoid choosing the inappropriate undertone because it can have a boomerang effect on the look you are trying to achieve. If you are unsure about the colors, you should seek advice from experts so that you don’t get it wrong and sabotage your plans.
This might come as a surprise to you, but it is true; blue and green colors are known to add depth and brightness to a room. Our brains tend to perceive green and blue as moving further which makes the wall to appear distant. The best shades to choose if you want to achieve this goal are teal and sea-foam green. Contrast these colors with white color on the baseboards or molding to increase dimension and clarity to the bold walls.
White is known to make a small space seem exceptional. Since white reflects light, it makes a room look brighter and bigger. White walls give homeowners the liberty to choose a bold accent wall or decorate the wall. White not only makes the wall look bigger than it is but it also blends well with the natural lighting.
Gray is another good color to use if you want to create an illusion of space and do not want to use white. Like white, gray is also good for home staging. Choose a soft shade of grey. Gray reflects light which magnifies space just like white does.
A subtle shade of yellow is another ideal color for making a room to appear spacious. You can contrast it with white give character to the room. White accents can be painted on the trim or beadboard. Remember to select neutral yellow and not bright yellow. It reflects light just like white and gray. Yellow is perfect for black furniture. Lime green, tangerine or red are also a good match for this color of walls.
It might appear like I am contradicting myself but according to some color experts, a mysterious black color complemented by white furniture and molding can also have a positive effect on a small space by making it appear larger than its actual size.
A dark brown French roasted coffee beans color is also a cozy color to use for your small space. It can also be used on molding with an eggshell color.
Nomadic Taupe
This is a sand-like color that gives a room a sense of continuity. It is perfect for the walls and the roof.
This is another color you should consider for your small space. It resembles the ocean during a calm day. It is whitish and just like white, it will reflect light around and make a room appear bigger.
Light green (Shades of spring)
A pale green paint makes it appear like the room extends beyond the windows. This is a color that resembles nature and is ideal for a small space.
Alexandria Beige
This color is lighter than black and can be combined with hot pink or navy blue for molding. This shows how versatile it is. Choose it if you do not want to use black, chocolate brown or any other dark color.
This is a cloud white color that brightens up smalls rooms and enlarges them. It is a beautiful neutral color that blends well with a small room and almost any color of furniture. Other similar colors are smoke, skylight, and hale navy.
Benjamin Moore Coastal Fog
This color is best for painting walls and trims. Others that can fall into this category are Benjamin Moore navy masterpiece, PPG Paints Stonehenge greige, PPG Paints geyser, and PPG Paint Colonial Aqua.
Benjamin Moore Orange Blossom
This color is perfect for accents. Others that can serve the same purpose include Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray and Valspar indigo Streamer.
The Minimalist Design
If you decide to use a softer lighter color such as yellow, gray, or white, you should opt for a monochromatic scheme for the whole space. This means that you should choose furniture, accents, and rugs in the same shades. For example, you can look for a patterned rug in the same color as the paint. This minimalist and matching look creates an image of space. This technique helps you or your visitor’s focus on the colors instead of how small the room is.
Ideally, there are many colors that you can choose from if you want to make your small room appear bigger. The key thing is to apply your creativity especially when it comes to accentuating..