The Pros and Cons of Faux Finishes on Walls in Residential Homes

Faux painting is using decorative paint to create finishes that are different from the actual wall. A concrete wall, for example, is made to appear wooden. Faux paint is commonly used to replicate a wood, stone, brick or marble look. Though most people assume that faux is fake and therefore inferior, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It can instantly transform your home from basic to brilliant. It updates your house and takes it from one era to another with every stroke of paint. Transform your bland wall with faux finishes that change the textures as well.
This very on-trend style is being incorporated in many residential homes because of the following reasons:
Instant transformation
We all have had reached that point mainly if you have stayed in the same house for a couple of years. One day you wake up, and you cannot stand the house’s appearances. Maybe it’s the white walls or the kitchen, but something has to go. Faux finishing is one way to give your home that instant makeover. There are various styles and textures available; they include; marble, brick, leather, denim, plaster, stencil, stone, suede, and silk. Faux finishes immediately give your walls more depth and dimensional texture
This creative technique is affordable. Imagine marble walls for the price of paint! Do it yourself or hire specialized painters to give it a more polished transformation. There is little you can do to pink paint to make it unique, but there is a lot you can achieve with faux paint.
Customize your house by using the different types available. The devil is in the detail; ensure you use the right tools to achieve that unique but elegant makeover.
Long lasting
Faux finishing a wall in a residential home is pretty much like applying wallpaper that does not peel off. Using a faux finish instead of wallpaper saves you the trouble of dealing with visible seams. And removing wallpaper? Nightmare. Faux paint allows you to transform your wall into a different texture or appearance. Not only is it a cheap way to give your walls a boost but is also long-lasting. It is also easy to carry out touch-ups, should there be a need. You can also update your wall by tweaking parts of the faux wall style. Faux paints are also washable making it low maintenance, without losing its shine.
Faux paint can be used to decorate many different types of walls and surfaces. It is not limited to concrete walls. It is also used to decorate dry walls, wooden, ceramic and glass surfaces. Whether it’s a new, old, smooth or rough wall, there is always a faux finishing that is suitable for use. The painter must take into consideration the state of the wall when selecting a painting technique to achieve a stunning finish. The versatility of faux paint makes it an ideal way to conceal any cracks in the wall. Think of it as a type of makeup that covers all blemishes in your home, while giving it a new appearance. Faux paint is also used to enhance colors and spaces.
Attract buyers
When you are selling your home, faux finishing will not only help you attract buyers quickly but at the right price. Correctly done, faux finishing makes your walls aesthetically pleasing. Do your homework and select styles and colors that are popular.thy also enhance spaces that would otherwise have appeared dull and boring to potential buyers. Use different styles for different rooms, and you will have multiple offers from buyers.
Disadvantages of faux finishes
Choosing to do the faux painting by yourself may seem like a cheap alternative, but you are unlikely to achieve the same as a professional. For dramatic and elegant finish you require a skilled and experienced painter. Hiring an expert faux painter is costly. Customized and elaborate faux finishes will also cost more. Faux painting process also takes longer than ordinary painting because of the intricate hand painting it involves.
Poor workmanship
If the painter does not have the right technique and tools, they are not likely to fulfill your vision. It requires a keen painter with an excellent eye for detail; otherwise, it may look nothing like marble. Hurriedly done, the walls will appear inconstant.
Faux finishes on residential walls are a great way to personalize your space. Update your home to match current trends without any intensive renovation. Match the rooms’ décor or function to the faux finish. Enhance doorways, fireplaces; Give your home personality and more character.